01162763377 | enquiries@earlylearnersnurseryschool.co.uk

Early Learners' Nursery School is a new progressive independent day nursery founded on the pioneering work of its managing director, Lucy Fernandez.
As a working mother, Lucy established and successfully managed a chain of Little Star Nurseries overseas. With over 30 years of professional experience and leadership qualities emphasises her commitment to innovation that goes beyond the normal standards of pre-school childcare and development.
Early Learners' Nursery School is within easy access of public transport services which offer excellent connections for business commuters.
Contact Details
Please contact Mrs Rana, Office Manager, for further details:
E: manager@earlylearnersnurseryschool.co.uk
T: 0116 2763377
Opening Hours: 7.00am to 7.00pm
Early Learners' Nursery School
78 Uppingham Road
Leicester LE5 0QE